Berwick Archery Club
We are a friendly club open to people of all abilities with membership ranging from juniors to senior citizens. Archery is one of the few sports which people from a very wide spectrum can enjoy together, and our membership includes families and people with physical disabilities and learning disabilities.

Berwick Archers meet on Mondays from 6.45pm to 9.15pm, at Longridge Towers School sports hall. Our members come from the local area in north Northumberland and the Scottish Borders. We also have an optional social gathering of members at Lemoncello in Berwick after Mondays club night.
Please park at the top car park or behind the school at the nursery car park. This is due to dangers of getting stuck in the bottom car park which is next to the sports hall.
Target Archery
We are a target archery club and indoors we usually shoot at 20 yards using 60cm targets. Outdoors, in the summer we shoot at various size targets at varying distances according to members’ preferences. We have a regular programme of club competitions, coaching nights, etc, to suit those who shoot just for the fun of it and those who want to progress in the sport. We participate in the DNAA Logical League and the winter postal league.

New Members
New members and Archery GB members from other clubs are always welcome, whether experienced archers or beginners. See contact details below.
News and Events
Northumberland Indoor Champs
Northumberland Indoor Champs Hello - my name's Rob and I shoot with Tynedale Archers in Hexham. I've taken on the role of TO for the Durham and Northumberland Indoor Champs which we are hosting on Sunday 9th March at Queen Elizabeth High School in Hexham. Entries...
Beginners Course
Beginners Course We are running a beginners course starting Sunday 3rd November continuing to Sunday 17th November. We would appreciate some help from members to setup/take down nets/targets etc If you have any free time on any of the Sundays please let Malcolm know.
Christmas Meal
Christmas Meal Our yearly Christmas meal will be held at Berwick Golf Club (The Greens Bar & Restaurant )on the 30th of November 2024. All members and partners welcome. Contact Sheena for further details.